Bantayan Island: *Html Tags*

Saturday, November 01, 2014

*Html Tags*

Common Tags of Html

Basic Tags
<html></html> - Creates an html document.
<head></head> - Sets off the title and other information that isn't displays on the web page itself.
<title></title> - Title of the website.
<body></body> - Sets off the visible portion of the document.

Background and Color Tags
Body Attributes:
<background ="url"> - Background image.
<body bgcolor="green"> - Sets the background color using name or hex value.
<body text="black"> - Sets the text color using name or hex value.
<body link="pink"> - Sets the color of links using name or hex value.
<body vlink="#fff000"> - Sets the color of followed links using name or hex value.
<body alink="#000000"> - Sets the color of links on click.
<body ondragstart="return failed" onselectstart="return failed"> - Disallows text selection with the mouse and keyboard.
<bgproperties="fixed"> - Background properties "fixed" to obtain a watermark type background.
<left margin="?"> - Side margin size in the pixels.
<top margin="?"> - Top margin size in the pixels.
<marginwidth="?"> - Side margin size in pixels.
<marginheight="?"> - Top and bottom margin size in pixels.

Text Formatting Tags
<pre></pre> - Creates preformatted text.
<hl></hl> - Creates the largest headline.
<h6></h6> - Creates the smallest headline.
<b></b> - Creates bold text.
<i<</i> - Creates italic text.
<u></u> - Underline text.
<center></center> - Center
<strike></strike> Strikeout
<sub></sub> - (Subscript) - smaller text placed below normal text.
<sup<</sup> - (Superscript) - smaller text placed above normal text.
<tt></tt> - Creates teletype or typewriter-style text.
<cite></cite> - Creates a citation usually italic.
<em></em> - Emphasizes a word with italic or bold.
<strong></strong> - Emphasizes a word with italic or bold.
<font size="7"></font> - Sets size of font from 1 to 7.
<font color="green"></font> - Sets font color using name or hexa value.
<font face="arial"></font> - Font face or just font.
<blockquote></blockquote> - Indents text from both sides.
<marquee behaviour=scroll, alternate, slide, scroll amount, scroll delay direction=alternate, up, down></marquee>  - The moving text.

<a></a> - Anchor tag

<a href="url"></a> - Creates a hyperlink
<a href="mailto:email"></a> - Creates a mail to link.
<a href="url"> <img src="url"></a> - Creates an image/link.
<a name="name"></a> - Creates a target location within a document.
<a href="#name"></a> - Links to that target location from elsewhere in the document.
<a target="***"></a> - Target for link:_self, _parent, _blank, _top.

Section Division Tags
<p></p> - Creates a new paragraph.
<p align="left"> - Aligns a paragraph to the left, right, or center.
<br> - Inserts a line break.
<div></div> Division/section 
<dl></dl> - Creates a definition list.
<dd> - Precedes each definition.
<ol></ol>  - Creates a number list.
<ul></ul> - Creates a bulleted list
<li></li> - Precedes each list item, and adds a number or symbol depending upon the type of list selected.
<div align="left"> - A generic tag used to format large blocks of html also used for stylesheets.
<img scr="name"> - Adds an image.
<img scr="name" align="left"> - Aligns an image:left, right, center, bottom, top, middle.
<img scr="name" border="1"> - Sets size of border around an image.
<hr></hr> - Horizontal rule
<hr size"=3"/> - Sets size of the rule
<hr width="50%"/> - Line width in pixels
<hr color="#111111"/> - Line color
<hr noshade/> - Creates a rule without a shadow.
<no br></no br> - No line breaks

<table></table> - Creates a table
<tr></tr> - Sets off each row in a table.
<td></td> - Sets off each cell in a row.
<th></th> - Sets off the table header (a normal cell with bold centered text)

Tag Attributes:
<table border="1"> - Sets width of border around table cells.
<table bordercolor="??????"> - Border color
<table cellspacing="1"> - Sets amount of space between table cells.
<table cellpadding="1"> - Sets amount of space between a cell's border and it's contents.
<table width="500" or "50%"> - Sets width of table in pixels or percent of document width.
<table height="100" or "50%"> - Sets height in pixels or percent.
<tr align="left"> or <td align="left"> - Sets alignment for cells: left, center, right.
<tr valign="top"> or <td valign="top"> - Sets vertical alignment for cells: top, middle, bottom.
<td colspan="5"> - Sets number of columns a cell should span
<td rowspan="5"> - Sets number of rows a cell should span.
<td nowrap> - Prevent the lines within a cell from broken to fit.

<tr></tr> - Table row.
Tag Attributes:
align="?" - Horizontal alignment: left, center, right.
valign="?" - Vertical alignment: top, middle, bottom.

<td></td> - Table cell or table data.
Tag Attributes:
width="?" - Cell width in pixels or in percent.
height="?" - Cell height in pixels or in percent.
background="url" - Background image.
bgcolor="#??????" - Background color.
text="#??????" - Document text color
link="#??????" - Link color
vlink="#??????" - Visited link color
alink="#??????" - Active link color
align="?" - Horizontal alignment: left, center, right
valign="?" - Vertical alignment: top, middle, bottom
colspan="?" - Number of columns the cell accross
rowspan="?" - Number of rows a particular cell spans

<frameset></frameset> - Replaces the body tag in a frames document, can also be nested in other framesets.
<frameset rows="value, value"> - Defines the rows within a frameset, using number in pixels or percentageof width.
<frameset cols="value, value"> - Defines the columns within a frameset using number in pixels or percentageof width.
<frameset border="?"> - Border thickness in pixels.
<frameset frameborder="?"> - Frame border: 1, 0 (Yes or No).
<frameset framespacing="?"> - Spacing between frames.
<frameset bordercolor="#??????"> - Color of border.

<frame></frame> - Defines a single frame or region within a frameset.
<noframes></noframes> - Defines what will appear on browsers that don't support frames.

Tag Attributes:
<frame src="url"> - specifies which html document should be displayed.
<frame name="name"> - Names the frame so it may be targetted by other frames.
<frame marginwidth="value"> - Defines the left and right margins for the frame.
<frame marginheight="value"> - Defines the top and bottom margins for the frame.
<frame scrolling="value"> - Sets whether the frame has a scrollbar, value: yes, no, or auto.
<frame bordercolor="?"> - Border color.
<frame noresize="noreize"> - Prevents the user from resizing a frame.

<form></form> - Creates all forms.

Tag Attributes:
name - Name of the script.
action="url" - Url of the script.
method="???" - Method of form: get, past
enctype="???" - For the file upload:enctype="multiparty form data"

<select multiple name="name" size="?"> </select> - Creates a scrolling menu. Size sets the number of menu items visible before you need to scroll.
<option> - Sets off each menu item.
<select name="name"></select> - Creates a pulldown menu.
<textarea name="name" cols="30" rows="3"> </textarea name> - Creates a text box area. Columns set the width, rows sets the height.
<input type="checkbox" name="name"> - Creates a checkbox. Text follows tag.
<input type="radio" name="name" value="x"> - Creates a radio button.
<input type="text" name="name" size=20>Creates a one-line text area. Size sets length, in characters.
<input type="submit" value="name"> - Creates a submit button.
<button type="submit"></button> - Creates an actual button that is clicked.
input type="image" border="0" name="name" src="name.jpg"> - Creates a submit button using an image.
<input type="reset"> - Creates a reset button.
<input maxlenght=" "></input> - Lenght of character to input.


Tag Attributes:
type="***" - Button type submit, reset, button.
name="***" - Button name
value="***"  - Label on button
size="?" - Button size

Tag Attributes:
name="***" - Drop down combo box name.
size="?" - Number of selectable option, multiple, allow


Tag Atributes:
selected default, selected option
value="***" - Option value.

<text area></text area>

Tag Attributes:
rows="?" - Number of rows
cols="?" - Number of columns (Character per row)
name="***" - Text area name
wrap="***" - Word wrapping; off, hard, soft

Escape Sequence
Note: Special character always in a lower case
&#? - Special character replace? With ISO code
 &nbsp;= a space - Non breaking space
 &copy;=© - Copyright symbol
 &reg;=® - Registered. TM

<ol></ol> - Ordered list
<li> - Ordered list item

Tag Attributes:
 type="?" - List type:A, a , I, i, 1
 ol-start="?" - List starting value
 li-value="?" - List item value

<ul></ul> - Un-ordered list
<li> - Un-ordered list

Tag Attributes:
 type="?" - List type: disc, circle, square

 Miscellaneous Tags
<a href-mail subject="subject of comment">


Tag Attributes:
 name="***" - Meta name: description, keywords, author
 htt-equiv="***" - Htp equivalent information:title, etc.
 content="***" - Contents of meta tag


Tag Attributes:
 rel="***" - Defines forward relationship
 rev="***" - Defines reverse relationship
 href="url" - Location of object of file being linked.
 type="***" - Type of relationship 
 title="***" - Name

<!doctype html public> - Prologue (Description of file).
<bg sound> - Plays a sound whenever the page is loaded.
<img dynscr=" "> - Plays a movie file.
->loop, auto play="true or false"
<embed src=" ">
->loop autoplay, style
midi->musical instrument digital intercase
dynsrc->dynamic source

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