Bantayan Island: Holy Week

Holy Week

 The Entombment

For Catholics, Holy Week is a commemoration of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. In the Philippines, among the practices generally observed during Lent are fasting and abstinence from meat products, especially on Good Friday.
Holy Week is considered as a period of reflection and meditation. Most, if not all, establishments in the Philippines cease operations beginning Maundy Thursday until Black Saturday. There are those who would head to “Holy Week” destinations where remnants of traditional celebrations are still observed.
During Holy Week, the municipality of Bantayan is popular for its Santo Entierro (Holy Burial) procession where the Stations of the Cross are portrayed in life size figures mounted oncarozzas (carriages).

Some of these images are believed to have been brought by Spanish priests in the late 1800s. The relatively recent figures and images have been commissioned by the affluent families of Bantayan. Every year, these images are displayed during the Good Friday procession.
 Joseph of Arimathea


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