Bantayan Island: *Adobe Photoshop Shortcut Keys*

Monday, November 03, 2014

*Adobe Photoshop Shortcut Keys*

List of Photoshop Shortcut Keys

Q -Quick mask mode toggle=view selection as rubylith overlay, accept paint tools.
F - Cycles through normal and to full screen mode, æ" very useful for previewing without clutter.
Tab - Removes all palettes.
Ctrl+; - Show/Hide guides.
Ctrl+' - Show/Hide grids.
Ctrl+R - Show/Hide rulers.
Ctrl+Shift+N - New layer.
Ctrl+E - Merge down.
Ctrl+J - New layer from selection by copy.
Ctrl+Shift+J - New layer from selection by cut.
Ctrl+G - Clipping group with previous layer.

V- Move
M - Marquee
Shift+M - Circular marquee
C - Crop
W - Wand
B - Brush
E - Eraser
S - Cloning stamp
N - Line
T - Type
K - Fill bucket
I - Eyedropper
G - Gradient fill
P - Pen
O - Dodge/Burn/Saturate (Shift cycles through)
R - Blur/Sharpen/Smear (Shift cycles through)
H - Hand
Z - Zoom

D - Default colors (Foreground/Background to B/W)
X - Xchange (Swap) foreground/background colors

Image Tweaks
Ctrl+M - Gamma curves
Ctrl+L - Levels
Ctrl+U - Hue/Saturation/Lightness
Ctrl+B - Color balance
Alt+Backspace - Fill with foreground color
Alt+Shift+Backspace - Fill with foreground color, preserving transparency
Shift+F5 - Fill dialog box
[] Square brackets - Brush size up/down
Ctrl+Z - Undo
Ctrl+Alt+Z - Undo further
Ctrl+K - Removes the grey/blue box in the top left of your canvas.
Ctrl+Q - Closes the open document
F1 - Toggles adobe online help
F5 - Toggles brush style palette
F6 - Toggles color, swatches, styles palette
F7 - Toggles layer, channels, paths palette
F8 - Toggles navigator, info palette
F9 - Toggles actions, history, presets palette
Tab(Key) - Toggles all the palettes on screen
Shift+Tab(Key) - Toggles palettes on screen, excluding the toolbar
Ctrl+N - New document dialogue box
Ctrl+M - Curves dialogue box
Ctrl+A - Selects all the currently foreground document or currently selected layer.
Ctrl+J - Automatically creates a duplicate of the currently selected layer.
Ctrl+K - Preferences dialogue box
Ctrl+L - Levels dialogue box
Ctrl+F4 - Closes current document
Ctrl+' (single quote) - Toggles grid lines
Ctrl+Q - Quits photoshop altogether
Ctrl+R - Toggles ruler
Ctrl+U - Hue/Saturation dialog box
Ctrl+O - Opens new file
Ctrl+P - Print dialog box
Ctrl+Z - Undo last action
Ctrl+Tab - Toggle between open documents
Ctrl+Shift+C - Copy merged
Ctrl+C - Copy
Ctrl+H - Toggle extras
Ctrl+; - Toggle guides
Ctrl+Shift+; - Toggle snap
Ctrl+X - Cut
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Pattern maker
Ctrl+V - Paste
Ctrl+Shift+V - Paste into selection
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V - Paste outside
Ctrl+T - Transform tool
Ctrl+Shift+T - Repeats the last performed transform
Ctrl+F5/Shift+Backspace(Key) - Fill layer dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+O - Photoshop's file browser
Ctrl+Shift+P - Page setup dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+S - Save as dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+K - Color setting preferences box
Ctrl+Shift+F - Fade dialogue box
Ctrl+Shift+X - Liquify filter tool
Ctrl+Shift+N - Create new layer preferences box
Ctrl+Shift+M -  Launches image ready
Ctrl+Shift+E - Merges all layers into a single layer
Ctrl+Alt+Z - Step backward
Ctrl+Shift+- (Minus sign) - Zoom out
Ctrl+Shift+ + (Plus sign) - Zoom in
Ctr+Shift+Alt+N - Creates a new empty layer
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S - Save for the web dialogue
Ctrl+Alt (in most dialogue boxes) - Changes the cancel command to reset
Ctrl+Alt (in the save for the web dialog) - Changes the cancel command to reset & the done command to remember
Ctrl+Alt+~ (Tild symbol) - Selects the brightest area of the currently selected layer
Ctrl+Shift+I - Inverts a selection
Ctrl+Alt+X - Extract
Shift+ -/ + (Signs on a layer) - Toggles the different layer modes
Shift+Ctrl+Z - Step forward

File Menu Shortcuts
Ctrl+N - New document
Ctrl+O - Open document
Shift+Ctrl+O - Browse
Alt+Ctrl+O - Open as
Ctrl+W - Close
Ctrl+Shift+W - Close all
Ctrl+S - Save
Ctrl+Shift+S - Save as
Ctrl+Alt+S - Save a copy
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S - Save for web
Ctrl+Shift+P - Page setup
Ctrl+Shift+M - Jump to image ready
Ctrl+Q - Exit

Viewing Shortcuts
Ctrl+Y - Proof colors
Ctrl++ - Zoom in
Ctrl+- - Zoom out
Ctrl+Alt++ - Zoom in and resize window
Ctrl+Alt+- - Zoom out and resize window
Ctrl+Alt+O - Actual pixels
Ctrl+Shift+H - Show/Hide target path
Ctrl+R - Show/Hide rulers
Ctrl+Shift+; - On/Off snap
Ctrl+H - Show/Hide extras
Ctrl+Alt+; - Lock guides
Ctrl+; - Show guides
Ctrl+' - Show grid

Tools Shortcuts
A - Path component selection tool
B - Paintbrush tool
C - Crop tool
D - Changes default color palettes to black foreground, white background
E - Eraser tool
F - Cycle screen modes
G - Gradient tool
H - Hand tool
I - Eyedropper tool
J - Airbrush tool
K - Slice tool
L - Lasso tool
M - Marquee tool
N - Notes
O - Dodge/Burn/Sponge tool
P - Pen tool
Q - Quick mask
R - Blur/Sharpen/Smudge tool
S - Clone stamp
T - Type tool
U - Shape tool
V - Move tool
W - Magic wand
X - Swap colors on color palette
Y - History brush
Z - Zoom tool
Ctrl+Shift+N - New layer
Ctrl+J - Layer via copy
Ctrl+Shift+J - Layer via cut
Ctrl+G - Group with previous
Ctrl+Shift+] - Bring to front
Ctrl+] - Bring forward
Ctrl+[ - Send backward
Ctrl+Shift+[ - Send back
Ctrl+E - Merge layers
Ctrl+Shift+E - Merge visible

Image Manipulation Shortcuts
Ctrl+L - Adjust levels
Ctrl+Shift+L - Adjust auto levels
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L - Adjust auto contrast
Ctrl+M - Adjust curves
Ctrl+B - Adjust color balance
Ctrl+U - Adjust hue/saturation
Ctrl+Ctrl+Shift+U - Desaturate
Ctrl+I - Invert
Ctrl+Alt+X - Extract

Filters Shortcuts
Ctrl+F - Last filter
Ctrl+Shift+F - Fade
Ctrl+Alt+X - Extract
Ctrl+Shift+X - Liquify
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+X - Pattern make

Selection Shortcuts
Ctrl+A - Select all
Ctrl+D - Deselect
Ctrl+Shift+D - Reselect
Ctrl+Shift+I - Inverse
Ctrl+Alt+D - Feather

Random Shortcuts
Alt+Backspace - Fill with foreground color
Shift+Backspace - Fill with background color
Alt+] - Ascend through layers
Alt+[ - Descend through layers
Shift+Alt+] - Select top layer
Shift+Alt+[ - select bottom layer
Tab - Show/Hide all palettes

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